Weekly update on THC-related illnesses Nov 1

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Thank you once again for checking in to see the latest updates on the illicit THC-related illnesses in the United States.  Since the news is mainly the same as last week (still points to THC, a few more cases reported down there, nothing up in Canada) we'll keep this one brief.  Key points are:

  1. "EVALI" cases still very likely have nothing to do with nicotine products
  2. The data still points to illicit adulterated THC/CBD cartridges
  3. Still only really happening in the United States
  4. UK still repeats their stance that vaping nicotine products are at least 95% safer and are not related to the outbreak
  5. 8 Health orgs in Canada are still pushing for flavour bans by conflating this mess with a "youth epidemic" (only 14% impacted are 18 or under though).  They're then mistaking the cause of the youth epidemic issue, which is really about access points (namely friends/family, c-stores, and online from outside Canada), as flavours which are regulated and age-restricted in Canada.


Latest post from Public Health England



Leafly article about the illegal THC stores in California



CNN article discussing recent CDC teleconference, links so-called "vaping-related" illnesses to THC, NOT nicotine



Washington post article repeats message from CNN article but also discusses how jurisdiction issues prevent United States from being able to effectively regulate THC


Recent survey data from the National Youth Tobacco Survery (U.S.) shows that frequent vaping use in youth among tobacco "never-users" only accounts for 1% surveyed and "first product tried" is overwhelmingly tobacco, which refutes claims of a youth epidemic and gateway theory from vaping to smoking.



That's it for this week.  As time passes, it's becoming more and more clear that our industry has been unfairly targeted since late August.  The truth is finally coming out more and more that the culprit has all along been related to illicit THC/CBD products that people happened to be "vaporizing", hence the confusion that pulled us into the mess.  With any luck, we can stop with these updates very soon, but we'll remain committed to you with our updates until the final word is out and the air is clear, so to speak.  Thank you again for your trust in us and enjoy your wonderful weekend.

1 comment

Blind Vaper
Blind Vaper

I can’t speak for everyone, but I’m happy to receive the updates. With all the noise out of the states, it’s hard to get a feel for what’s happening here in Canada.

Thanks for keeping us informed!

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